Zahnarztpraxis Smilist Berlin
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Root canal treatment

Pain and swollen cheek.
Basically, often the problem and thus the trigger of pain is inflammation at the root tip.

Root canal treatment is often the last option to save a tooth and avoid expensive dentures.
Because preserving a tooth always has priority.

Therefore, the sooner treatment is carried out, the better and the higher the chance of success for tooth preservation. If the treatment is delayed, in the worst case the damage and inflammation of the tooth interior develops into a chronic inflammation, which also affects the surrounding areas of the jawbone.

With successful root canal treatment, renewed inflammation is prevented by removing the tooth nerve. Thus, the bacteria no longer have a surface to attack, and the dead tooth is thus insensitive to any influences.

How does inflammation at the root tip make itself felt?

  • Pain indicates inflammation, often also pressure pain
  • When it's really bad, you see the typical swollen cheek
  • Often pulsating and recurrent pain
  • Waking up at night
  • Tooth sensitive to tapping

When is root canal treatment of the tooth an option?

  • Inflammation at the root tip
  • Dead nerve
  • Depth filling

How long does a root canal treatment take?

The entire treatment including pre- and post-treatment examinations can take up to 2 weeks and in rare cases even longer. The root canals are disinfected and cleaned several times. Special medications are introduced for the most painless therapy possible.

The aim of root canal treatment

  • The natural tooth is preserved and stands firmly in its place in the jaw.
  • No more extensive treatment and thus possibly costly dentures will be necessary.
  • Should a bridge over lost neighboring teeth become necessary at a later date, the patient's own tooth provides excellent support.

Who pays the costs?

The health insurance generally covers the entire cost of treatment, except for wisdom teeth. As a dentist, we base our treatments on the guidelines of the statutory health insurance companies.

General treatment process

The treatment procedure depends on the clinical picture of the respective tooth. The following procedure has generally proven successful:

  • Detailed clinical examination of the tooth including a vitality sample
  • View complaints image much closer
  • Localize pain point
  • X-ray diagnostics to determine the course of the root and possibly changes in the course of the bone, detection of cysts and inflammation at the tip of the root

The next step at the dentist

After a more detailed X-ray, the treatment is started:

  • Anesthesia
  • Trepanation (opening) of the tooth
  • Removal of the pulp
  • Preparation of the root canal
  • Rinsing and drying the root canal
  • Filling the root canal with plastic material
  • X-ray control image
  • Temporary or definitive closure

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